While counterfeit food and cosmetics can be harmful, replica bags, shoes, and clothes pose no real risk—except for sometimes lacking durability. The country’s replica market has stepped up its game in ...
Brands like Rolex, Hublot, and Patek Philippe set the standard, but their high prices often keep them out of reach. Thankfully, luxury replica watches offer the same elegance and craftsmanship at a ...
Those creepy versions of the couple are actually legit terrifying. Now, artist and designer Brandon Hardy has created ...
Big Brother Naija star, Whitemoney, has addressed claims made by a luxury fashion watchdog that accused him of wearing ...
Crafted in Canada by a family-owned company — that’s one of the primary reasons that Calgary-based designer, Aly Velji of ...
While Alibaba and Aliexpress have risen in popularity among consumers, third-party sellers are now starting to take on the ...
In case you haven’t already heard about it, Nordstrom is running a major spring sale that touches all of its major product ...
A slump in luxury fashion is prompting designer reshuffles at top houses Gucci, Chanel and Dior to reignite heat around their ...