Learn about Qatar's foreign military sale request for MQ-9B remotely piloted aircraft approved by the State Department.
The source file for the CAD design can be found here on Onshape. This board includes the SCD41 for temperature, humidity, and carbon dioxide (CO₂); the ENS160 air quality sensor (AQI, TVOCs, eCO₂); ...
The Sonobuoy Dispensing System test has enhanced the MQ-9B SeaGuardian’s status as the only RPA that can carry, release and monitor sonobuoys, whose data is then used by aircraft and ships to ...
This project demonstrates how to use an ESP32 microcontroller to read data from a DHT22 temperature and humidity sensor and an MQ-2 gas sensor, and then send the data to a Firebase Realtime Database.
General Atomics MQ-20 Avenger unmanned combat aerial vehicle autonomously flown with Shield AI’s Hivemind software at Orange Flag exercise. General Atomics Aeronautical Systems (GA-ASI ...
SAN FRANCISCO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--VergeSense, the global leader in occupancy intelligence, today introduced Infinity, a new sensor designed to transform how organizations measure and optimize their ...
The United States has given an initial approval for the energy-rich Mideast nation of Qatar to buy eight armed MQ-9B Predator drones for its military, an estimated purchase worth nearly $2 billion ...
The US Air Force lost contact with an unmanned MQ-9 Reaper drone while it was operating over the Red Sea this week, a US defense official told Al Arabiya English on Tuesday. The MQ-9 was ...