When he battle’s lost and won! SISTER 1: That will be ere the set of sun. NARRATOR: Macbeth. A Scottish lord. Here he is – not far from those witches,leading the Scottish army against a ...
This activity is suitable for GCSE English Literature students studying the characters of Macbeth. You can learn more about the characters by clicking the links below.
Quotes can remind us to slow down, change our outlook and persevere, even in the face of uncertainty and adversity. Here's a ...
If you’re a fan of Shakespeare ­— and particularly if you are not — you may be compelled by the latest offering at The Citadel. Goblin: Macbeth, part of the theatre’s Highwire series ...
Do you have thoughts on what content you’d like to see for free online and in Teach Primary? Want a chance to win? Check this ...
From short and sweet to cute and funny, these quotes help show your valentine some love.
We’re warned that sleeplessness takes a serious toll. But obsessing over how to cure it may be even more damaging.
Head lice spread via head-to-head contact. This is why they are particularly prevalent in primary school-aged children. Almost all children (and teachers) will catch head lice at some point in their ...
Projects from several classes in RIT’s visual communication design MFA program were recognized as exemplary graphic and communication design in an international competition. Five students and recent ...