Bird flu has devastated poultry and dairy farms, and sent the price of eggs soaring in the United States since it was first ...
Wild duck hunting is added to a list of prohibited activities near an outbreak of the H7 strain of bird flu, and shooters ...
At least 112 North American bird species have lost more than half their populations in the past 50 years, according to a new ...
The first week of March came with a roller coaster of emotions.
He spotted the springtime surprise unfolding at a busy city intersection about a block from the White House: In a planter, a ...
The first week of March came with a roller coaster of emotions. Saturday, March 1 was absolutely amazing. For the first time ...
A woman who "accidentally fell in love" with helping ducks, built a giant home for them in her garden. Leanne Clarke first ...
The eider, twice as heavy as a mallard, is Europe’s biggest duck. On leaving the nest, the female covers her eggs in down ...