A resident living near a river has expressed her concern about "speeding motorists" after two ducks were hit and killed last ...
Despite the declining numbers, the census recorded sightings of rare and significant bird species at Harike, including Bonelli’s Eagle, Hen Harrier ... billed Duck, Ruddy Shelduck, Mallard ...
Punjab’s wetlands transform into a sanctuary for thousands of migratory birds escaping the frigid landscapes of Siberia, Russia, Kazakhstan, and Northern Europe. Although the number of avian guests ...
then cock that thought it was a duck and swam in the company of ducks would certainly make you laugh. Maybe the cock was cast-away by gym-cocky alpha male, or he was tired of chasing after hens and ...
One objector said: “We have a wide variety of wildfowl on the loch, including gulls, pink footed and Canada geese, swans, mallard and goldeneye ducks ... housed hens will only potentially ...
He restored the property which now has beehives, vegetable gardens, hens, ducks, pigs, sheep and goats. During the COVID pandemic, Kerber’s opened the nonprofit farming education school at the ...
Department of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agro-Industry, Kasetsart University, Bangkok 10900, Thailand ...
and three wood ducks. The hen mallard and wood duck limits increased by one compared with recent years. Daily limits for pintail, scaup and redhead remain at two. Hunters may still take one ...
A press release from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR): Opening day, opening day shooting hours and the annual youth waterfowl hunt all will be earlier than in the past. Bag ...