MANISTEE — Several dead birds discovered Wednesday morning along portions of Manistee’s Lake Michigan shoreline have sparked ...
Judge John Mead said his appearance at the Manistee County board was “a statutory requirement” during his pursuit to add a ...
The Department of Natural Resources weekly fishing report for March 19 shows some of the most current conditions in the ...
But public health officials in northern Michigan say low vaccination rates in some counties here are causing real concern ...
A Manistee County school food service director says recent federal cuts will negatively impact school districts and farms throughout the nation. The U.S. Department of Agriculture has cut more than $1 ...
Originating in southern Japan and first detected in the United States near Richmond, Virginia, in 1951, the hemlock woolly adelgid is now found from Alabama and Georgia to Maine and into eastern Nova ...
The Great Lakes were formed by melting glaciers 20,000 years ago — that’s how most people know the formation of these vast freshwater giants. But researchers at the University of Houston found that ...
The hemlock woolly adelgid has invaded two more Michigan counties, threatening trees in 11 counties total. VAN BUREN COUNTY, ...
One measles case has been confirmed in Michigan already, but officials in northern Michigan say low vaccination rates in some ...
Expect to see more DNR crews around the Croton Dam in the next few weeks. Personnel will be on the grounds for several days ...
The Michigan Department of Natural Resources is slated to begin collecting eggs from Muskegon River walleye this spring.
Michigan, known as the Great Lakes State, has played a vital role in American history. From its days as a fur trading hub in ...