The 50th Anniversary of the iconic festival starts next Tuesday, 1st April with a special flag-raising ceremony at 7:00am.
Somehow, a large orange octopus has been riding a mako shark off the coast of New Zealand. Researchers are mystified.
Irish Minister Highlights Shared Agricultural Challenges Between Ireland and New Zealand, Including Climate Change and Rural ...
In what's being hailed 'a win for all Indigenous languages', Yale is offering a course in te reo Māori - a first for any Ivy ...
The majestic waka hourua Hinemoana is returning to Te Waipounamu, carrying a vital kaupapa: revitalising Māori and Pacific ...
Researchers from the University of Aukland got a chance sighting of an octopus hitching a ride on the back of a shark, which ...
Te Mahurehure Marae in the inner city Auckland suburb of Pt Chevalier has come from humble beginnings and today is a monument ...
Alex Nankivell played under Clayton McMillan for four seasons at the Chiefs. The team thought they had an identity until ...
Canoeing is one of the best ways to explore nature, combining the thrill of adventure and peace of tranquility ...
Here is a detailed guide about how you can experience New Zealand from Minecraft Aotearoa add-on and how to download it in ...
The state’s commitment to explore the best sites for geothermal energy and push for commercial development is critical and ...
Hobsons Bay council kicked off Cultural Diversity Week 2025 on Monday with a workshop on the intricate art of Maori ...