From debates over water export to the largest ‘zombie water project’ in North American history, there’s a long history of Canadian water export to the U.S. There are considerable risks for ...
“However, we were able to utilize the fibre supply funding through Mercer Calgar and the Osoyoos Indian Band, which enabled us to harvest 6,000 cubic meters of fire-damaged pulp in 2024 that ...
I just like the sheer amount of stuff that is going to move fast, feel like lightning is hitting you from all over, and just wreck your face. Plus who doesn’t like Roboute telling Calgar what to do?
Goatboy here and will continue our 40K Space Marine talk about going over the top 5 Special Character Melee weapons in 10th Edition. That is a lot of words to say but will go through and see the top 5 ...