Greek Buddhist monk’s four decades of meditation practice culminates in new publication examining how meditation can lead to ...
Some books stay with you forever, not just for their stories but for their breathtaking prose. These 13 novels are written so ...
There’s a scene in Evelyn Waugh’s The Loved One in which a magazine’s advice columnist ‘the Guru Brahmin’ (in fact ‘two ...
Written in Zaidi’s signature style—unembellished yet evocative, with a sharp eye for the minutiae of everyday life—the novel ...
Amid uncertainty and chaos, Dalio has credited one daily practice to his ability to quiet the noise and succeed in the face ...
Greek Buddhist monk's four decades of meditation practice culminates in new publication examining how meditation can lead to either attachment or liberation This publication represents an ...
On a recent episode of Studio 17, Hypnotherapist and Children’s Author Jo Galloway shared her mission to support children’s mental well-being through ...