As global attention intensifies on cutting short-lived climate pollutants like methane (CH₄), a critical question emerges: ...
The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore and the Port of Rotterdam have signed a Cooperation Agreement to further develop the Rotterdam-Singa ...
Does it rain diamonds on Neptune and Uranus? Scientists uncover how extreme pressure and temperature deep inside these ice giants create a continuous diamond rain.
A riotous photography collection from a recent underwater mission off the coast of Chile shows new and fascinating deep-sea ...
ASTANA, Kazakhstan, March 22. Kazakhstan's QazaqGaz National Company and Sinopec, an international energy and chemical company, have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to explore coalbed ...
A new model that incorporates data gathered by the JWST could help scientists understand the composition and mass of objects ...
State officials have ordered tighter monitoring of methane gas above coal mines in the state after a slap on the wrist from ...