The overall silhouette of the Tesla Model S is very minimalistic. Its fascia features a set of sharp LED headlights and LED ...
The SU7 Ultra, Xiaomi’s new flagship electric vehicle, went against a Tesla Model S Plaid in a drag race and it smoked it.
5. 结语 特斯拉Model S Plaid不仅是一款车,更是未来出行方式的象征。它证明了电动车在性能和智能化上完全可以媲美甚至超越传统燃油车。你是否也想体验这款划时代的座驾?
A McLaren 750S dares to challenge the Tesla Model S Plaid with over 1,000 horsepower at the drag strip. Does it even stand a ...
We take a look at President Trump's new Tesla, before taking a look at the unusual driving rules presidents are forced to ...
3月13日,极氪官方正式发布极氪007GT的内饰官图。新车全系标配激光雷达,提供单电机与双电机动力可选,续航最高可达825km。内饰方面,极氪007GT提供浅米色、深红色两种内饰主题,浅米色主题以金色、棕色进行点缀,年轻且富有活力。深红色主题以金色、灰色进行点缀,看上去更沉稳、大气。新车的三辐式方向盘采用平底造型,1 ...
If the horn in your Model S or Model X doesn't work, there is a chance that your Tesla may be included in this recall ...
The Tesla Model 3 is speculated to enter the Indian market. With potential import duty cuts, its price could be about ₹35-40 lakh on road.