This volunteer-led movement brings nature home to neighbourhoods, one butterfly-friendly garden at a time. From inception to 2024, the foundation trained 1,800 Butterflyway Rangers in hundreds of ...
In encouraging news, the eastern monarch butterfly population nearly doubled in 2025, according to a new report announced in Mexico. The population wintering in central Mexico's forests occupied 4.42 ...
Save yourself aggravation and excess work by heeding the advice of the professionals and avoid planting these species in your ...
For years I felt envy when visiting the greenhouse at Colton Garden or when seeing beautiful greenhouses marketed online.
Multiple studies suggest butterflies are disappearing- but why, and what can be done? Here are some possible answers, backed ...
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service via Flickr under CC BY 2.0 Butterfly populations in the United States have dropped by almost a quarter in the last two decades, according to a new analysis published ...
The movement to plant butterfly gardens has really taken off in the past decade. “It’s incredibly exciting to see so many people taking an interest in conservation,” Crone said.
A sign in Brookside Gardens Butterfly Experience that depicts the butterflies that are in the conservatory. Photo credit: Brookside Gardens Brookside Gardens Director Stephanie Oberle was visiting ...
The first countrywide systematic analysis of butterfly abundance found that the number of butterflies in the Lower 48 states has been falling on average 1.3% a year since the turn of the century ...
Two-thirds of studied species declined by more than 10%, the study said. Butterfly populations have dropped by 22% across 554 recorded species in the United States, according to a new study in the ...
The findings revealed that 33% of butterfly species have experienced significant population declines over the past two decades, with 107 out of the 342 species examined losing more than half of ...