在创客世界中,单板计算机(SBC)以其便携性和强大的功能,吸引了越来越多的用户和爱好者。近日,全球知名科技媒体How-to Geek公布了2025年最佳单板计算机评选结果,其中DFRobot的LattePanda Mu(拿铁熊猫)开发板凭借其卓越的性能被评选为最佳Windows单板计算机,引发广泛关注。
Recently Radxa released the X4, which is an SBC containing not only an N100 x86_64 SoC but also an RP2040 MCU connected to a Raspberry Pi-style double pin header. The Intel N100 is one of a ...
昨天展示了自己新搭建的NAS平台,发现很多人针对32G内存都有很大疑问,很多人表示N100 CPU不支持32G内存。然而我实测是可以的,今天查询了一下资料。
Long before becoming synonymous with the word SBC, the Raspberry Pi was designed as an inexpensive computing board to attract ...