【中关村在线北京行情】近日,联想ThinkStation PX工作站在中关村在线商家“北京科创腾达 (渠道经销商)”特价,促销价93800元。商家活动:赠品:京东E卡 (购买一件及以上,赠完即止)更多优惠详情请致电或微信 ...
‌NVIDIA RTX A6000专业显卡‌释放48GB显存潜能,搭配实时光线追踪与CUDA核心矩阵,将工业设计、AI训练效率提升3倍以上。针对科研与影视工作室的极限负载,T7920支持8个PCIe 3.0扩展槽与双1300W 80PLUS铂金电源,可扩展4路GPU或多通道采集卡,满足多屏4K实时推流、流体动力学模拟等严苛场景。
美国IT零售商Connections最近率先曝光Nvidia最新一代RTX Pro Blackwell系列GPU的价格和规格,包括旗舰级RTX Pro 6000 Blackwell在内的多款型号正式现身网上商店。其中最引人瞩目的RTX Pro ...
Warp is a Python framework for writing high-performance simulation and graphics code. Warp takes regular Python functions and JIT compiles them to efficient kernel code that can run on the CPU or GPU.
NVIDIA's new RTX PRO 6000 Blackwell GPU listed for $8435, rocks a huge 96GB of GDDR7 memory, and should launch in May...
Thought it was hard to get an Nvidia RTX 50-series Blackwell GPU? Things are potentially going to get even more difficult, as ...
SK hynix begins sampling the world's first 12-layer HBM4 memory samples with up to 36GB capacity, 2TB/sec bandwidth: ready ...