An NYPD sergeant fatally shot himself in the head ... “To the men and women who wear the uniform, please know that there are always, always people willing to listen about the bad days, about ...
The NYPD is losing sergeants in droves as New York City leaders scale back the allure of achieving the rank for police officers, who can make more in annual salary due to a system that allows ...
Hundreds of NYPD sergeants are expected to protest outside ... wage increases of 18.5% over a five-year term like other uniform services. By honing in on the wage disparity, the union is ...
NEW YORK — Hundreds of NYPD sergeants are expected to protest outside Mayor Eric Adams’ upcoming ... contract negotiations said that the SBA has been offered wage increases of 18.5% over a five-year ...
NEW YORK — A former NYPD officer has been convicted of attempted ... jobs and I have the utmost respect for our men and women in uniform, but the use of unlawful force cannot be permitted.