Nardwuar argues that none of this is a result ... He then proceeds to prove why he's among the best--and certainly the most underrated--interviewers in Canada. By the time he's done, he's linked ...
Nardwuar is going on a tour of California. He'll be showing videos from his video vault, doing a Q+A, and some spoken word. You can see the dates below.
The question is a relevant one considering what’s been going on between Vancouver’s Nardwuar the Human Serviette and the Insane Clown Posse’s Violent J. While it might be stretching things ...
Nardwuar’s appeal isn’t just that he does crazy research on the artists he interviews, but that even the artists in question are shocked by the depth. It’s enough of a trope that he has a ...
Let's check out some of the funniest reactions they had. "We’re getting another classic 😭😭😭😭," a user said. The last time Nardwuar did an interview with Tyler, the Creator, it became one of his ...
Some old-school scenesters may recall Nardwuar’s days bouncing around Canada’s 1990s alt-rock media ecosystem, but in 2024, ...