新西兰与 斐济 双国漫游的起点,往往从新西兰的壮阔自然景观开始。作为“大自然的魔法王国”,新西兰的南阿尔卑斯山脉横贯南 北岛 , 冰川 、火山、湖泊与森林交织成一幅史诗级画卷。 皇后镇 ( Queenstown )是冒险者的天堂,乘坐天际缆车(Skyline Gondola)俯瞰 瓦卡蒂普湖 (milYPG.woniuhf.com),或是在卡瓦劳大桥体验蹦极的惊险,都能感受到 肾上腺素 飙升的刺激 ...
Information about your activity on this service, such as your interaction with ads or content, can be very helpful to improve products and services and to build new products and services based on ...
Waitomo Caves in New Zealand is one of the most breathtaking natural wonders! Photo: iStock Some places on Earth are so breathtaking that they feel more like scenes from a fantasy film than actual ...
As the birthplace of New Zealand’s Māori tourism, Rotorua is a spectacular blend of natural geothermal wonders and deep ...
Mojang said that this new DLC was made in partnership with Tourism New Zealand and Warner Bros. Players who own the ...
Beyond the spectacle of the falls, the Huka Falls Lookout Walk provides a deeper connection with New Zealand’s natural beauty. The Waikato River, which flows from Lake Taupō, is lined with lush native ...