NIS-Elements software’s deploys this trained ... network encoded withseveral thousand examples of acquired Nikon confocal data. The neural network assigned input images learnable ...
The Nikon A1R-HD25 Confocal has Four channel imaging, high speed resonance scanner (30 fps at 512x512, up to 420 fps depending on area), perfect focus system for timelapse imaging, live cell imaging ...
A laser scanning confocal microscope with 7 excitation wavelengths (405 - 640nm). Four excitation wavelenghts are available for TIRF (405, 488, 561, and 640nm). Open to all user from the home ...
The Nikon A1R HD25 confocal system with NIS-Elements AI software enables rapid, deep, quantitative imaging of living organs-on-chips. The rapid proliferation of complex 3D cell and tissue culture ...
The inverted Nikon spinning disk confocal microscope is equipped with four laser lines (405, 488, 561, and 647 nm), 4x-40x air objective lenses, and 60x NA1.40 and 100x NA1.45 oil objective lenses.