While a visual appraisal to gauge hay quality can be informative, extension experts stress that there’s only one way to truly know the quality of hay — getting an accurate test. “Hay that looks ...
Back in 1934, Ralph Nelson Elliott discovered that price action displayed on charts, instead of behaving in a somewhat chaotic manner, had actually an intrinsic narrative attached. Elliot saw the ...
Use the grass growth wedge to identify potential surpluses or deficits, adjusting your strategy accordingly. Access the Forage For Knowledge database and resources to manage risks effectively and ...
“We partnered with DairyLand Labs, a recognized expert in forage analysis, to add these other nutrient analysis capabilities to John Deere HarvestLab,” Siegel says. “With real-time nutrient analysis, ...
Global sea surface temperatures in 2023–24 exceeded the previous record by an unprecedented margin. Observation-based statistical models and climate models suggest that such jumps in ocean ...
Wild greens and herbs have been part of our diet since the dawn of time, and it was only at the beginning of the 20th century, when food and farming became heavily industrialised, that their ...
From the Series Mania conference in Lille, France, Ampere Analysis‘ Guy Bisson and Cyrine Amor took to the stage Tuesday, armed with data, insights and a keen understanding of the seismic shifts ...
Therefore, our recommendation to ensure adequate livestock nutrition this winter is to have a forage analysis done on the hay baled this year. Once you have those results, develop a corresponding ...