It's all a matter of finding that killer recipe (pun intended) for nutria, and getting Americans excited to try something new. So what can you do with nutria meat? It's said to have the gently ...
The invasive marshland rodent is wreaking havoc but California residents can do their part by catching and eating them, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service says.
and the author of “Can’t Beat ’Em, Eat ’Em,” a cookbook with recipes for 40 invasive species, including nutrias. “It was crockpot nutria,” Mr. Parola said. “You get the hind and ...
After 20-plus years in the world of fine French dining, chef Phillipe Parola started developing recipes for invasive species ... 27, detailing how to identify nutria by their arched backs, white ...
For a nutria recipe, Erin Higgins, a digital strategist for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, suggests a Louisiana tradition. “Nutria gumbo,” she wrote in a post entitled “Eat the Invaders.” ...
Cooking up the swamp rats could be ... pointing to a recipe from the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Alligator & Fur Division. Per TPWD, nutria are considered nuisance fur-bearing ...
Nutria can specifically be found along the Gulf Coast, in the Pacific Northwest and in the Southeastern United States. Its exact population, though, is unknown. The rat-like behemoth is larger ...
For a nutria recipe, Higgins suggests a Louisiana tradition ... “I'd eat a lot of things but I draw the line at Giant rats,” she wrote on Facebook. Nutria aren’t the only invasive species wildlife ...
according to, where connoisseurs can find recipes for nutria chili, jambalaya, gumbo and more. According to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Nutria were first introduced ...