Multiple measures have been taken to discourage trespassers on the property that holds the DeJarnette Sanitorium.
New health oversight chair Sen. Sabrina Salas Matanane called for the government of Guam to move on the old Department of ...
An 81 year old great grandmother from Blackpool has been made technically homeless after her house was destroyed by the after ...
One 15-year-old Decatur boy helped lure another 15-year-old child to an abandoned Decatur building before stabbing him to ...
George Michael’s sister is aiming to renovate the pop star’s abandoned £10,000,000 London mansion. The Wham singer passed away on Christmas Day in 2016 at the age of 53 years old leaving several of ...
The camp, closed years ago and temporarily off-limits to the public, is part of 942 acres acquired by the Rhode Island DEM to preserve open space.
UK tourists have been warned to avoid visiting old abandoned buildings and shouldn't attend indoor gatherings if they visit ...
Four-year-old Jay is one of 20 children who are currently on the waiting list for a place at St John’s Special School ...
The streets of Central Falls have looked like an abandoned wasteland because people are literally afraid to go outside,” ...
A 2023 report by the agency analyzed 2,700 buildings in the city, many in a state of abandonment; 117 are in more critical condition ...
On Tuesday, firefighters were on the scene of a blaze at the abandoned Donaghey Building in downtown Little Rock.
Anderson County will eventually assume control of the 19th century mill from the PHC in order to achieve a long-standing plan ...