Wayne Rooney scored his first goal since March, as Manchester United cruised 轻而易举赢得 to a 3-0 victory over West Ham on Saturday. Rooney scored from the penalty spot in the 33rd minute at Old Trafford, ...
The third session of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, China's top political advisery body, held its closing meeting on Monday morning. Chinese ...
Spain have become World Champions for the first time as they overcame the Netherlands 1-0 in Soccer City, Johannesburg. After the euphoric 欣快的 closing ceremony and an appearance by Nelson Mandela, the ...
On March 18, fans will witness an exciting showdown as the Indiana Pacers face off against the Minnesota Timberwolves in a crucial NBA matchup. This game presents a fascinating contrast between the Pa ...
Topmost, that is, in terms of quality, ability, popularity, etc. In other words, these musicians are the best among peers.
潮玩品牌TOP TOY宣布启动全球化战略,计划未来五年海外销售占比超50%,中国IP产品占比达50%以上,目标覆盖全球100个国家核心商圈并开设超1000家门店。
China's top political advisery body on Monday concluded its annual session, calling on political advisers to make new and greater contribution to advancing Chinese modernization.
自从张颂文凭借《狂飙》爆红后,他的粉丝群体迅速壮大,一度被捧为“叔圈顶流”。然而,最近一位女粉丝趁张颂文的保姆车启动时,将一包信件塞进车窗,结果下一秒就被他直接扔出窗外。有人骂他“红了就飘”,也有人力挺,认为粉丝行为越界,属于“私生骚扰 ...
伤口愈合过程中由于伤口部位血液循环不畅极易导致伤口组织缺氧,影响细胞增殖和胶原蛋白合成,阻碍伤口愈合。此外细菌感染也会加剧伤口部位缺氧状态,进一步加重组织损伤,延缓愈合进程。然而传统递送氧气的治疗手段往往无法有效解决伤口缺氧和感染问题,因此迫切需要开 ...
名创优品 旗下潮玩品牌TOP TOY近期宣布了一项激进的计划,它要在未来五年在全球100个核心商圈范围内开超过1000家店,其中海外销售预计占比突破50%,门店布局超过40个国家,产品销售超过150个国家,中国IP占比计划达到50%以上。
未来五年,TOP TOY将在全球开设超1000家门店。 蓝鲸新闻3月23日讯(记者 张妍頔 王健文)3月22日,潮玩品牌TOP TOY宣布正式启动全球化战略升级,目标未来五年覆盖全球100个国家核心商圈,开设超1000家门店。