Although the primate visual system has been extensively studied, detailed spatial organization of white matter fiber tracts carrying visual information between areas has not been fully established.
When might radiation therapy be used to treat multiple myeloma? Radiation may be used to treat areas of bone damaged by myeloma that have not responded to medicines and are causing pain or may be near ...
The optic radiation fibers project to the ipsilateral visual cortex in the occipital lobe and are adjacent to the calcarine sulcus. Superior fibers follow a dorsomedial trajectory through the parietal ...
Sustained anxiety is a key symptom of anxiety disorders and may be associated with neural activation in the right inferior parietal lobe (rIPL), particularly under unpredictable threat. This finding ...
Now, by performing a series of experiments on rats, Erlich et al. have clarified the precise roles of two of these regions: the frontal orienting fields in prefrontal cortex and the posterior parietal ...