The work was conducted by members of the Milieu Interieur consortium and led by Dr Darragh Duffy (Institut Pasteur) and Dr Molly Ingersoll (Institut Pasteur and Institut Cochin (Inserm U1016 ...
The British government and the Pasteur Institute of Montevideo, Uruguay, have announced they will be working jointly in an agreement that will help advance the genome-sequencing of Covid-19 ...
Thousands of francs poured in, and in 1888 President Sadi Carnot of France, surrounded by a brilliant throng of cheering scientists, opened the Pasteur Institute. But the new Institute came too ...
The National Institutes of Health is canceling grants that are seen as conflicting with the Trump administration’s priorities. We want to hear from researchers who have been affected.
A team of biologists at Queen Mary University of London has discovered that a neurohormone controlling appetite in humans has an ancient evolutionary origin, dating back over half a billion years.
At the Institute for Business in Global Society (BiGS), we are focused on bringing the latest research on the intersection of business and society to business leaders in an accessible, actionable way.
Chemists have used sealed glass capillaries to perform pyrazole isomerisation reactions at temperatures as hot as 500°C. By demonstrating that capillary synthesis is a viable way to perform ...
Gino Santini Appointed as Chairman of the Board, Michael Heffernan, Founder and Chairman and Gwen A. Melincoff, Board Member to Retire ...
Ricard achieved his PhD in molecular genetics from the Pasteur Institute in 1972 before turning his back on and heading in another direction. He soon arrived in India where he studied with the ...