Christie Clinic teaches ciLiving host, Jaclyn Friedlander how to warm up for a marathon! A local travel company in ...
Although the event and diversions are on the north side of the Liffey, the knock-on effect may see delays affecting other ...
She put the word out on a Facebook group we are both a part of, I messaged with her, and here I am, running my first Boston ...
Lucy Evans, 51, was unable to walk for three months and was told by doctors she would never be able to run again - but is now ...
Amber Drewek, a nurse at Lahey Hospital, is running the Boston Marathon to raise funds for the hospital's cancer center.
"What has kept me motivated in her absence are the amazing stories that people have relayed to me, the ways in which my mom ...
McReynolds says she’s lost several people in her life to addiction, people who are represented by those purple flags. She ...
American Matthew Richtman, in only his second marathon, wins the men’s race. Ethiopia’s Tejinesh Tulu captures the women’s ...