Circulatory death livers preserved for donation with normothermic machine perfusion had the lowest early allograft dysfunction rate. This method led to the shortest hospital and ICU lengths of stay.
It was incredibly sad to read about Don Chamberlain’s double lung transplant having to be cancelled because there wasn’t a perfusionist available to attend the surgery. Donor organs for ...
The perfusion technique developed at UMCG to test the quality of donor livers led to a record number of liver transplants last year. Not only in Groningen, but throughout the Netherlands. Meanwhile, ...
The University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG) has introduced a groundbreaking perfusion technique for assessing the quality of donor livers, which has resulted in an unprecedented number of liver ...
A perfusion technique developed at University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG) to test the quality of donor livers led to a record number of liver transplants last year; not only in Groningen ...
The health-care worker on call who operates the heart-lung machine during surgeries, a perfusionist, was attending to another emergency and a replacement couldn’t be found. “My blood type and ...