The 579 series semi-truck is Peterbilt’s most technologically advanced and fuel-efficient model ever. I certainly don’t find them better looking than the 389 or the 589, but from an ...
Unlike regular fish that can be directly placed in ponds to produce roe quickly, Legendary Roe requires a Legendary Fish to be placed in a pond, where it will slowly produce roe over time.
Trucking fleets across the U.S. display military appreciation and support on their tractors and trailers. Here is a photo gallery of truckload carriers' patriotic rigs. These North American for ...
直播吧02月07日讯 NBA常规赛,湖人在主场以120-112击败勇士,赛季三胜后者。 此役,湖人大前锋范德比尔特在场上很有活力,他出场20分42秒2投2中 ...
洛城德比向来火花四溅,02月05日这场对决,湖人以122-97的绝对优势大胜快船,可谓畅快淋漓。 比赛中,范德比尔特表现亮眼。他出战仅18分钟,3投2中就拿到6分6篮板1助攻,正负值高达 21,全场无人能及。要知道,正负值体现球员在场时球队的净胜分,如此高的 ...
湖人击败勇士的比赛,酣畅淋漓啊!半场领先30分,虽然第四节被追到了两个球权以内,但是最终湖人有惊无险击败勇士,拿下一场胜利!湖人在用胜利迎接东契奇,后者将在面对步行者的比赛中复出,而勇士队呢,他们也要迎接另一个球星,巴特勒,不过他们 ...