In this article, we’re discussing the Nvidia RTX 5000 Blackwell mobile platform that you will find in a multitude of all-around, worksation and gaming laptops over the next 2-3 years, and particularly ...
The RTX 5080 has launched alongside the RTX 5090. Ever since the card was first announced, we’ve wondered how it stacks up against other offerings, especially from Nvidia itself. One of the most ...
The RTX 5080 is out, but as expected, it’s tough to get a hold of. We’ve reviewed two RTX 5080s here at PC Guide – the Founders Edition and the ROG Astral GeForce RTX 5080 OC. Both performed very well ...
其中率先上市的RTX 5080、RTX 5090和RTX 5090 D很长时间里都处于一片难求的状态。RTX 5090和RTX 5090 D的价格被黄牛炒翻天,RTX 5080也有较大幅度的溢价。
Alright, so you’ve read all the reviews of Nvidia’s newest generation of graphics cards: the RTX 5090, 5080, 5070 Ti, and 5070. You know how powerful they are (or aren’t), and you’re ready ...
None of this would have been possible without Nvidia's DLSS4 tech, 4x frame-gen, and the AI chops of the RTX 5080. Given how disappointing frame-gen was in the RTX 40 series, I was very sceptical ...
The 5070's CUDA core count falls right in between the RTX 4070 and the 4070 Super's, where the 5080 and 5070 Ti both included small increases from their previous-generation counterparts.
攒机一直以来就是牵一发而动全身的的工程,RTX 5080有诸多搭配方案。在推荐时笔者除了告诫大家不要加价购买显卡外,对于那些想要节省资金的玩家,笔者除了建议玩家避免加价购卡外,特别提醒预算有限的用户需重点关注CPU选择,CPU不仅决定主板型号 ...
而在各种新品游戏大作到来的同时,游戏显卡在时隔两年多之后也终于迎来了新一轮“版本大更”。 今年1月末,NVIDIA最新一代的GeForce RTX 5080显卡正式上市,凭借全新Blackwell架构与专门针对神经网络着色器优化的SM等设计,再辅以DLSS 4多帧生成技术的加持 ...
The only 'vendors' with a standalone GeForce RTX 5080 graphics card in stock are greedy marketplace sellers and scalpers at places like eBay. Looking at some of the recently sold listings on eBay ...
If you’ve been trying to buy an RTX 5080, you already know it’s nearly impossible to find. Nvidia’s new GPU has been selling out instantly, with standalone cards unavailable or listed at outrageous ...
GeForce RTX 5080 16GB vs GeForce RTX 4090 24GB l 1440p | 2160p | Buy MSI RTX 5080 - <a href=""></a> Ad - 0:00 Games ...