Millions of animals are at risk, but what are the rarest animals in the world? These are some of the most endangered animals, ...
A community of rare fish enthusiasts collects endangered species of freshwater fish from lakes and springs around the world, ...
The tiger arrived to the zoo in 2008 after being rescued from a wildlife trafficking operation, the zoo said. It lived to age ...
This creature you are about to see is not a cactus plant, although it looks like one, it is an animal. Sightings in New York ...
Fossil of species, named Duonychus tsogtbaatari, uncovered during construction of water pipeline in Mongolia’s Gobi Desert - ...
A rare red meat allergy, usually linked to a bite from the lone star tick, may also be caused by other tick species found in ...
The declaration of a successful recovery of an endangered species and the call for its removal from the List of Endangered ...
The fan-favorite ride, dedicated to the Gottesman family in 2003, was known for its beautifully carved seats featuring ...
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is reopening the public comment period for a proposed rule to list the monarch butterfly ...
There a lot of natural diversity in New Mexico, but some of its most unique flora and fauna are under threat of extinction.
Today, the Republican-led US House Natural Resources Subcommittee on Water, Wildlife and Fisheries considered legislation ...
A Kemp's ridley sea turtle named Rhossi was found on the coast of northern Wales in 2023 - now he can’t get home ...