The third set of stories and poems covers 'blends'. These are letters which join together to make another sound, for example, br ot, gl as, ia sg. Lists of the words in each set are given below. In ...
Not many 5-year-olds spend their Saturday afternoons performing dentistry on a great white shark. But when Moleno Colon saw the sea beast’s gaping jaws, he couldn’t help but dive in, excitedly ...
It’s winter, do you know where your children are? Most parents might say “in front of the TV.” When the days grow dark earlier and the weather is cold, we often find ourselves and our ...
As the summer winds down, I would like to take the opportunity to thank the local businesses and organizations that helped support the summer reading program in the libraries in Meeker County.
It looks like a small container of grass — but suggest to a preschooler that they draw eyes and a smile on the side of the pot and suddenly they’ve got a silly head growing “hair.” ...
KINDERGARTEN: A kindergarten report card from 1954 gave us a bit of nostalgia. It wasn’t labeled for a specific school district, and had five sections of achievement where children’s accomplishments ...