Rebecca Grossman, the socialite convicted of striking and killing two boys while driving under the influence in Westlake Village in 2020, was sentenced to 15 years to life in prison on Monday.
Westlake Village cheer squad to perform at Macy's Thanksgiving Parade Grossman apology insincere, says mother of boys killed in crosswalk Rebecca Grossman gets 15 years to life for crash that ...
Rebecca Grossman's new attorneys are seeking a new trial that would overturn her second-degree murder conviction in the killing of two young brothers in a Westlake Village crosswalk, arguing that ...
Rebecca Grossman was arrested in September after she allegedly hit Mark and Jacob Iskander with her Mercedes and fled the scene Grossman, 57, also faces two counts of vehicular homicide with gross ...
Jurors are deliberating the fate of Rebecca Grossman, a Hidden Hills socialite accused of striking and killing two boys while driving intoxicated in Westlake Village. Grossman, 60, was charged ...
Police allege Rebecca Grossman did not stay at the scene of ... crossed the street in a crosswalk at about 7:10 p.m. in Westlake Village. One of the boys was pronounced dead at the scene.