Efforts to put an end to rhino horn trafficking are being foiled by one of the hotbed countries for the illegal practice: Vietnam. Fortunately, the nation's lack of cooperation is not being ignored; ...
Every 20 hours, a rhino is poached in South Africa for its horn, with 35 rhinos lost in the Kruger National Park since the beginning of the year. The fight to protect these majestic animals is ...
However, that's not to say that there's no place for jewelry when you're wearing a V-neck. In fact, there are plenty of styles of necklaces that you can wear with V-necks—you just have to know ...
And with a little knowledge on the best affordable fine jewelry brands, you can find genuine, luxury-grade pieces that'll fit your budget. The top brands we've tested push past overpriced heritage ...
What is the best Monster Hunter Wilds Hunting Horn build? This unconventional blunt weapon is what happens when you put a Hammer in the hands of a Rock Band enthusiast. The result is a comically ...
As men’s embrace of jewelry has grown even more enthusiastic, the best men’s jewelry brands have evolved tremendously. Once confined to simple, utilitarian pieces, the best jewelry brands for ...
“When the sculpture was broken, it was discovered that there were five rhino horn pieces which were wrapped by a newspaper and tied by a transparent plastic hidden inside.” The agent ...
The sculpture was held by ZIMRA. When the sculpture was broken, after two months, it was discovered that there were five rhino horn pieces which were wrapped by a newspaper. The agent implicated Lin.
The rhino horn crisis has emerged as one of the most pressing challenges facing conservationists and wildlife advocates worldwide. In the sweeping landscapes of Africa and Asia, a tragic battle for ...
The horn, belonging to a white rhino from Africa, weighs 5 kilograms and measures 40 to 50 centimeters in length, said city officials. The Washington Convention prohibits the international trade ...