A toy panda that was stabbed by German soldiers in Sark in World War Two, will be part of an exhibition marking the 80th ...
The lessons to learn are: avoid war, and the drum-beating that precedes it. And avoid technocratic utopian groupthink; avoid ideologies masquerading as science. The Nazi Hunger Plan was devised by an ...
The Russians are increasingly utilizing M-1989 "Koksan" howitzers received from North Korea, a fact underscored by their ...
In the Russian-occupied territory of Crimea, a railway transport of 7-8 M-1989 "Koksan" howitzers has been observed. This is ...
For much of the Ukraine war, Russia has been bottled up in its Black Sea near waters, with the only avenue for projecting its ...
Away from the grueling land battles and devastating airstrikes, the Ukraine war has, from its outset, had a naval element.