The luxury brand has always celebrated colour in bags like the Birkin and its famous carres, or silk scarves, and now this ...
黑发晶(Black Rutilated Quartz)又称领袖石,黑发晶的晶体中含有黑色针状或发状物质,亦即是穿透力和能量强大的黑色电气石,能够帮助我们摒除杂念并专心一致,特别有助于事业运,为人主管者戴着可增加领袖魅力。另外黑发晶亦是能抵挡坊间不好的气场入侵 ...
Prince William and Kate Middleton continued their mini tour of Scotland with a pitstop on the island of Orkney. While opening a hospital in Kirkwall, the Duchess of Cambridge stunned in a gorgeous ...