Posters are one of the two main forms of communicating scientific research at conferences. Research posters summarise information or research concisely and attractively to help generate discussion. At ...
View Full Profile. Learn about our Editorial Policies. Posters are a staple of scientific communication, and most trainees will make at least one poster during their time in graduate school. However, ...
Once you finish designing your poster, have your lab mentor look it over, and have your PI (i.e., the professor whose lab you’re in) look at it, too. It’s important that you get your mentor’s approval ...
and affiliations at the top of poster. Scientific posters usually contain the following sections: introduction, methods, results, conclusion, and references/acknowledgements. 3. Review material for ...
We love scientific posters at the RSC. A firm fixture at research meetings across the globe – not to forget our #RSCPoster Twitter digital conference – they are a particularly useful tool for early ...