In his potboiler about the Gallic War, old JC claimed the “extremely superstitious” Gaulish Druids sacrificed folk in “figures of vast size, the limbs of which formed of osiers they fill with living ...
UK pagans have spring in their step as equinox approaches Druids, wiccans and witches will hold ceremonies across the UK this week as Britain's blossoming pagan community celebrates the coming of ...
He lives in Edinburgh, Scotland, and will spend the equinox in the countryside. The rising number of pagans in Britain has made him feel "inspired, excited and really hopeful". He said it showed ...
"It's just like any other faith," he said, adding that pagans work in "all sorts of different professions". Woolley said working for the government's environment department meant he could focus on ...
wiccans and witches will hold ceremonies across the UK this week as Britain's blossoming pagan community celebrates the coming of spring. The equinox on Thursday is a chance for followers of the ...