Perpetual brunette, Angelina Jolie has been on a bit of a hair journey recently; she’s softly- softly stepped over to the lighter side, so subtly that you may not have even noticed. It started with ...
But if you prefer to play it safe by gradually bleaching your hair (good advice for those with long, dark locks), start with caramel highlights, add some lighter streaks a few weeks later and slowly ...
When it comes to New Zealand's cricket gear, they rarely make mistakes. Choosing a shade of ash from the late 1990s instead of the beige of the 1980s, the side went retro and abandoned their all ...
Deja vu has struck for Big Brother Mzansi (BBM) fans as a similar incident involving Bravo B and Makhekhe in last year’s ‘S’ya mosha’ season has occurred with fan favourite Ash-ley Ogle and Bonni Bee, ...