At hypersonic speeds, complexities occur when the gases interact with the surface of the vehicle, such as boundary layers and ...
This study numerically analyzes the characteristics of shock wave propagation and attenuation in different mediums of explosion near the air-water interface (free surface). This study discussed flow ...
The method can reveal how light bends around differences in air pressure during supersonic flight. The XB-1 team made ...
"This image makes the invisible visible — the first American made civil supersonic jet breaking the sound barrier." ...
It makes it possible to visualize density variations in a fluid, such as air, by capturing how light is deflected by these variations. This method is particularly useful in aeronautics for studying ...
These shock waves are born in plasma — a gas of charged ... the sound waves travel through the air between you two to reach your friend’s ears. The travel happens at a speed equal to the ...
When a mantis shrimp uses shock waves to strike and kill its prey, how does it prevent those shock waves from damaging its own tissues? Researchers at Northwestern University in the US have answered ...
The London building was evacuated in a panic - forcing the station's back up tape to kick in when the air waves fell silent. The schedule was interrupted for ten mins before host Jeremy Vine had ...
The photograph, captured by NASA, shows the shock waves surrounding Boom ... capturing the aircraft as it pushed through the air. To achieve this remarkable shot, the pilot had to position the ...