SN Shure started the company in downtown Chicago in 1925 selling radio parts kits, and it has since grown into a global leader in audio technology, with sales in 120 countries ...
在2025年消费电子展上,音频设备制造商Shure推出了一款全新的智能麦克风——MV7i,旨在满足现代内容创作者对高品质录音以及多通道录音的需求。MV7i不仅集成了音频接口,还能够通过其独特的设计和创新技术,为播客、流媒体制作及音乐创作带来全新的便利 ...
To achieve this, Shure swapped the XLR output for a combination ... Like the MV7+, the MV7i is inspired by the popular SM7B microphone. If you've watched a video podcast recently, you've likely ...