According to the new procedure, all unlisted companies, having share capital, incorporated on or after March 03, 2025, shall hold and issue shares in book-entry form only, from the date of their ...
Oh, and FYI — prices are accurate and items in stock as of time of publication. World Book Day is almost here (Thursday 6 March, people. Time to shine!). If you’ve been blissfully unaware that ...
This is the shocking moment a British tourist was knocked out by a bouncer's single punch outside a strip ... him in the groin first for refusing him entry at the strip club.
An old temple priest, Pandit Somnath, was found slumped over his wooden desk inside the centuries-old Shiva temple, a single cryptic entry in his ancient ledger: “The peacocks dance thrice ...
Bookkeeping can be daunting. There are various tasks to juggle, and getting it wrong could have serious implications. Fortunately, established processes exist to help businesses and entrepreneurs ...
It starts with identifying transactions, creating a record, and then allocating each transaction to an account in the general ledger ... and double or single-entry accounting.