Understanding these animals helps highlight the importance of respecting wildlife boundaries and recognizing that cuteness ...
“They’re quite sensitive,” says Christine Rattel of International Animal Rescue, which runs a slow loris rescue program in Indonesia. “They are nocturnal, small animals that don’t like ...
28 centimeters). Are slow lorises really slow? For the most part, the loris is a lollygagger. The animal is mostly deliberate ...
However, a slow loris with its arms raised is actually taking a defensive posture. The primate raises its arms for easy access to the toxin-producing brachial gland under its arm. The animal licks the ...
The glands under the slow loris' armpits produce a smelly oil and once the animal licks the area, its salvia turns venomous. Although they rarely bother humans, at least one death has been ...
When cute is a curse Slow lorises are small primates. The 5 species of slow loris currently recognised are adapted to life in the forests of southeast Asia. They are nocturnal, and with their ...
A Sunda slow loris, or Nycticebus coucang, seen on Ko Pha Ngan. Photo from Cook-Price, Petko, Makchai, Artchawakom and Suwanwaree (2025) The second most commonly seen animal was the Sunda slow ...