ROXY Wallis claims forcing her kids to drink fizzy pop saved them from being hospitalised after they fell violently ill ...
AN urgent warning has been issued over slushy drinks in the UK after 21 children were hospitalised. Children under the age of ...
Kim Moore, 35, faced every parent's worst nightmare when her daughter went pale and unresponsive shortly after she drank a ...
A recent study found that several children were hospitalized after drinking slush ice drinks containing glycerol. Now, one ...
Marnie Moore, 4, was at a children’s party when she suddenly went ‘pale and unresponsive’ after her mum Kim, 35, bought her a ...
Slushy drinks are packed with sugar, artificial colours, and additives to keep them from freezing solid. One of the key ...
A new study reveals that glycerol in ‘slushies’ may cause illness in children. A study published in the British Medical ...
If you love cold drinks and want to upgrade your summer game, the Ninja SLUSHi is the way to go. It’s fast, easy, and ...
Researchers at Children’s Health Ireland (CHI) found that glycerol in slushy drinks can cause “glycerol intoxication syndrome ...
A new study warned children younger than eight shouldn't be given slush-ice drinks containing the sweetener glycerol after researchers tracked the cases of 21 kids who fell in after drinking them.
They added: “Clinicians and parents should be alert to the phenomenon, and public health bodies should ensure clear messaging ...