The ship collided with the iceberg on Saturday in western Antarctica's Amundsen Sea, which was apparently shrouded in fog at the time of the crash, the South China Morning Post reported Tuesday ...
The trillion-ton slab of ice named A23a could slam into South Georgia Island and get stuck or be guided around it by currents. An iceberg seen on NASA’s Aqua satellite, known as A23a ...
A massive iceberg, identified as A23a, is drifting northeastward and could be on a collision course with the British territory of South Georgia Island. As of mid-January, the iceberg was estimated to ...
The agency shared the image on X on Friday. Iceberg A23a will likely end up in the South Atlantic Ocean, said ESA. That would put it in a region known as “Iceberg Alley.” Many icebergs from ...
The world's iceberg is heading for South Georgia—a wildlife haven in the South Atlantic—and scientists are worried.
Its direction of movement has triggered assumptions that while heading north from the coast of Antarctica, the iceberg is likely to collide with the British Overseas Territory of South Georgia.