It appears the outage was the result of an SUV that crashed into a pole in the area of High Street and S. West Avenue. An ...
A team of international scientists compiled decades of data to create a map showing the topography of Antarctica with the ice ...
The updated map of Antarctica clearly shows the landscape beneath its massive ice sheet, including its tallest mountains and ...
The British Antarctic Survey has revealed a new map showing what Antarctica looks like under the several thousands of meters ...
As the Northern Hemisphere welcomes spring today, the Southern Hemisphere is marked with the first day of autumn.
The place thought to have had the thickest overlying ice was Astrolabe Basin, in Adélie Land, but a reinterpretation of data ...
One of them is a madman — accused of violently beating, threatening and sexually harassed at least two of his teammates.
The Canadian-built Atacama Cosmology Telescope in the high Chilean desert mountains, which has just given up its final batch ...
KS2 Geography. Biomes. A short video for pupils aged 7 to 11 investigating two of Earth's major biomes - savannahs and ...
A ntarctica isn’t a floating chunk of ice like the Arctic. Beneath its frozen surface sits a solid continent of mountains, ...
Bedmap3 is the most fine-grain map to date of the landscape beneath Antarctica's ice. Scientists created it using more than ...