The sowing under summer (zaid) crops, which will end by May, has reached 37.54 lakh hectares (lh) as of March 7. This is 21.1 per cent more than 31 lh reported in the year-ago period. The zaid ...
The USDA divides the United States into seven planting regions, known as hardiness zones, which were most recently updated in 2023. The maps below show these planting regions. Need a break?
"Right now, depending on where people live, they’re thinking about getting their vegetable gardens ready for planting potatoes, perhaps planting seeds in trays for later transplant, planning ...
This is the time when the rabi (winter-spring) crop, especially wheat, is still in the field and one can’t be fully sure about the yields to be harvested. But the production concerns aren’t confined ...
Lifting sowing rates could be a key lever in helping control in-crop weeds, but "pub talk" could be stopping its take-up.
For much better results this month buy seedling plants, which can soon be planted out. If you are sowing seed, do so indoors on a heated propagator to speed up germination. When to harvest: June to ...
Fruit is widely regarded as a healthy food — but is there such a thing as too much? In a recent video, a Harvard researcher sets out to explore the nutritional nuances of this popular food group ...
With a little bit of planning, gardeners can enjoy small amounts of fresh produce throughout the season by succession sowing, says University of Missouri Extension horticulture specialist Eliza ...
Gardeners at a National Trust estate are planting seeds in line with phases of the moon after noticing it produced higher yields. The team at Avebury Manor, Wiltshire, said vegetables sown during ...