Scientists traced origins of 75 meteorites back to specific regions in the asteroid belt, revealing new insights into their ...
A senior official of US Space Force recently claimed that Chinese satellites engaged in "dogfighting" maneuvers in low Earth ...
"That capability gap is significantly narrowed, and we've got to change the way we're looking at space, or that capability gap may reverse and not be in our favor anymore." ...
As Earth's orbit becomes populated with more crafts and devices, researchers are looking for ways to detect and track ...
The Spacecraft Speedometer is currently deployed on the Space Test Program-Houston 5 platform on the International Space ...
It's official - space is a war-fighting domain. Who says so? The British, the Americans, Nato and, among many other nations, ...
Japanese ADRAS-J satellite captures historic close-up of space debris, advancing efforts to tackle orbital junk ...
China is practicing “dogfighting” satellites as part of its expanding capabilities in space, according to the United States ...
Their first tracker is now in orbit. They plan to use a series of these to generate live maps of satellites big and small, fragments from old vessels, and debris as small as 5 cm.
One of DARPA’s concerns is that Russia has allegedly developed a nuclear space-based, anti-satellite weapon that may be ...
Senate Bill 2188 would allow officials at a future Starbase city to decide when Boca Chica Beach is closed for rocket tests ...