The Special K diet is designed to be a quick fix, not a long-term program. It includes little education and no health care experts or exercise recommendations to help dieters go the distance.
Unfortunately, society’s obsession with being thin cropped up on my TikTok feed when the chubby filter appeared. Dozens of people flooded my feed laughing over how ‘funny’ they looked after trying the ...
Reassessing the Special K Challenge – the 00s marketing campaign that convinced us all to eat two bowls of cereal a day. You’re now subscribed to all our newsletters. You can manage your ...
The world of diet fads is unfortunately quite vast. From arsenic weight loss pills of the mid-18th century, to the Special K ...
s bigger marketing initiative for 2012 to promote the Special K diet and also includes Web, broadcast, print and social media efforts. Kellogg?s worked with digital agency Razorfish on this media ...