A public art trail featuring individually designed elephant sculptures painted by different artists has been unveiled in ...
A public art trail featuring individually designed elephant sculptures painted by different artists has been unveiled in Dorset. Stampede by the Sea is a collaboration between local charity ...
An elephant sculpture that forms part of a charity trail of almost 60 has been found damaged a day after going on show. The elephant in West Bay, Dorset, was found with a number of holes smashed along ...
Mindless’ vandals have targeted recently unveiled elephant sculptures which are raising funds for a vital end of life charity ...
Despite being 96 years old and almost completely blind, Philip Sutton RA is among the artists supporting Weldmar Hospicecare’s Stampede by the Sea, a trail of elephant sculptures coming to Burton ...
What Happens When Roadways Intersect Wildlife Corridors? When you think of elephants in the wild, you likely think of a majestic herd peacefully walking through the grasslands, nowhere near ...
Despite being 96 years old and almost completely blind, Philip Sutton RA is among the artists supporting Weldmar Hospicecare’s Stampede by the Sea, a trail of elephant sculptures coming to Burton ...
Elephants moving at speed show an even stronger avoidance of difficult, more energetically-costly terrain. 74% of individuals avoided costly areas when moving slowly, which increased to 87% when ...
Elephants have an "extraordinary" ability to meet their colossal food needs as efficiently as possible, reveals new research. Data from more than 150 African elep h ants shows that the iconic species ...