Here's your dumbbell chest press vs barbell bench press comparison guide. While neither exercise is better than the other, it's important to choose exercises that suit your goals and individual needs.
On that note, the dumbbell chest press is not a move to do with heavy weights. Samuel suggests starting at about half the amount you're using for dumbbell bench presses, then adjusting from there ...
The incline dumbbell press is a staple in the programme of many, dedicated bodybuilders or casual gym goers alike. For a pumped up chest they are a great addition to your workout, and by hitting ...
The chest and triceps are two of the most highly searched for body parts when it comes to exercises. After all, a chiselled chest is one of the most striking areas of your body, whereas the ...
The dumbbell press may be a staple in your push ... traps, and upper chest. It’s similar to your standing shoulder press, but instead of standing you perform it sitting on the floor with your ...