Rejoicing today in the triumph of Orthodoxy on this first Sunday of Lent, we joyfully commemorate three events: one event belonging to the past; one event to the present; and one event which still ...
In the Triumph of Orthodoxy service on the first Sunday of Great Lent, the clergy and faithful proclaim — with many shouting — bold statements of faith from the year 787.
An icon celebrating the veneration of icons, the Triumph of Orthodoxy is the festal icon for the first Sunday of Great Lent. As Lent is a period of communal fasting which continues for seven weeks, ...
In the Triumph of Orthodoxy service on the first Sunday of Great Lent, the clergy and faithful proclaim — with many shouting — bold statements of faith from the year ...
In one sense we could argue that this icon did exactly what it hoped: Orthodoxy survived, and every year, on the first Sunday in Lent, the Orthodox Church throughout the world celebrates the event ...